martedì 14 febbraio 2012

India more and more armed

India confirms its leadership in the purchase of armaments. It was reported thatlast year, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, India had become the largest purchaser of arms in the world.
Between 2006 and 2010, 9% of the arms sold in the world had been purchased by India  overtaking China and getting first place in this particular ranking.
Well, a few days ago we known that the Republic of India will buy 126 fighter jets Rafale from France for about eleven billion dollars and a nuclear submarine from Russia for about a billion dollars. But on-board weaponry, technology transfers, maintenance, warranties and other costs are expected to almost double the price. India also will build its first aircraft carrier on its own.

The Indian budget for the years 2011-2012 includes costs of approximately 1.5trillion rupees (about $ 33 billion), up 40% more then in the previous two years: 70%  for arms.
India wants to become undisputed power and a landmark in the south-east Asia, wants to protect itself from China (with whom India has still some open border disputes), and from all neighboring countries (Pakistan, Burma, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka) funded by China. India wants maintain dominance over the Indian Ocean ,which India always considered something of a 'mare nostrum', challenged by the increased influence and activism of Beijing considered by Indian authorities as "aggressive raids".

To find out more clik here and here.

1 commento:

  1. it was long overdue course correction, now the next step is to increase domestic weapon production
